Less than $100,000, learn more and do more.

For $100,000-$1 million, do not use leverage to trade coins, and do not play contracts.

For $1 million-$10 million, choose your currency base BTC or ETH, etc., and do in-depth research; trade appropriately, do not short, do not short, do not short!

For $10 million-$100 million, once the assets exceed a small goal, improve the lives of your family, read more, exercise more, change your personal cognition and circle, hold the core assets, and pursue low-risk stable appreciation and good cash flow without stepping into a big pit.

1. The impact of the "interest-bearing but unrestricted usage scenarios" feature of intention assets on the Web3 industry

It may trigger changes in the industry landscape. New business models and cooperation opportunities may emerge, and the cooperation between different projects will be closer, jointly building a richer and more complete Web3 ecosystem.

2. The reason why dappOS is expected to become the top project in the intention-related track

dappOS may have strong ecological construction capabilities. Establish cooperative relationships with many projects and platforms to jointly promote the development of the ecosystem related to intention assets and form a good ecological closed loop.

3. The airdrop event jointly held by dappOS and Binance Web3 wallet promotes the ecological development of both parties

Jointly holding an airdrop event can enhance the brand image of both parties. The successful holding of the event will demonstrate the strength and cooperative spirit of both parties, enhance users' trust and recognition of the platform, and lay a good foundation for future development. #dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop @dappOS_com