I'm Elyctrify and this is my long text about the background to the Twitter crisis. In June 2023, Brazil was dealing with something rather sinister. A sinister thing and something imported from the US: a school massacre. And this rare, sinister type of event was being organized on social media, in an open manner. One network in particular had played a decisive role in the deaths of children in a daycare center. Twitter

The Minister of Justice called a meeting with the platforms. The minister at the time was FlĂĄvio Dino. And Twitter, at that time, even had someone representing it in Brazil. And in that meeting, there was an awkward situation between the minister and these representatives. The minister said that the platform had to respect the Brazilian Constitution. Then the platform argued that it had its own rules, terms of use, as if Twitter's terms and uses were more important than the Brazilian Constitution.
And Minister FlĂĄvio's response was:

"In the Dictionary of the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Police, which I command, the expression term of use does not exist, forget about it. Never say that again, because the term of use, ladies and gentlemen, changes.
Personally, I am not concerned about your terms of use. If you do not change your terms of use, you will be forced to change your terms of use. And quickly. Either you understand this or the meeting will not even continue. I am not concerned about your terms of use, ladies and gentlemen. I am concerned about families in panic throughout the country, due to the succession of attacks of an epidemic that should be treated as something serious and exceptional. We are not talking here about recommending whether it is a hot dog or a hamburger. We are talking here about children being murdered. So, I am not interested in your terms of use. I am not interested."

Putting it into perspective, what was seen that day was a prologue to what is happening now.

Time passed and in the present day, FlĂĄvio Dino stopped being Minister of Justice and went to the Supreme Federal Court. And a new controversy between Elon and the Brazilian Justice system is beginning to erupt. The Justice system orders the banning of some accounts involved in the January 8 coup d'Ă©tat, another thing imported from the US. Twitter, or as it is now called X, the network of billionaire Elon Musk, asked Moraes to reconsider the blocking orders or, at least, that the measures be limited to specific posts with content considered criminal, instead of suspending the accounts completely.

However, in his vote, the rapporteur argued that social networks do not have the legitimacy to appeal these decisions, since the blocks directly affect users, not the platforms.

“It is not up to the social network provider to claim the rights of others on its own behalf, even if it is the recipient of the request for blocking determined by means of a court decision for the purposes of criminal investigation, since it is not a party to the procedure"

Shortly after, a majority of 5 judges voted in favor of suspending Twitter. However, what matters here is not FlĂĄvio Dino's vote, but rather the text of that vote. There are eight pages that were somewhat ignored by the news. And some excerpts are interesting. Let's read them. Once again, Elon Musk confuses freedom of expression with a non-existent freedom of aggression. He deliberately confuses censorship with the constitutional prohibition of hate speech and incitement to anti-democratic acts. Compliance with orders from the judiciary is an essential requirement of civility and a condition for the possibility of the rule of law. This arbitrary selectivity increases the reprehensibility of corporate conduct, as it removes it from the sphere of entrepreneurship and places it on the plane of pure politicking and demagogy. It is polite legalese, all very polite and erudite, but in practice, he is calling Elon Musk a politician and a demagogue.

Remembering that here in Brazil we do not have a first amendment like the USA that guarantees unrestricted freedom of expression. We have freedom of expression but we cannot use this freedom to commit crimes such as Nazism or racism.

After that, X's bank accounts and everything else were blocked, but Elon Musk had already removed the office from Brazil and no longer had a legal representative for X. Then Minister Alexandre de Morais, of the Federal Supreme Court, ordered the blocking of Starlink cars, planes and equipment that belong to businessman Elon Musk.

Starlink employees said in private conversations that the most worrying aspect is the blocking of the company's accounts. Without access to the resources, the company has not yet decided what to do to install or replace customers' equipment. There are around 200,000 users here in Brazil.

Then, at that point, the US Embassy stepped in to say that they were monitoring the situation. And it's always good to take that seriously, because if there's one thing these guys do, it's monitor other countries. Then Starlink threatened to disobey and maintain access to X. They ended up backing down later, of course.

If they do not comply with this, naturally, the agency and the ministry will open proceedings to revoke this grant, and so we hope that the court decision is complied with, because here in Brazil there is a constitution, there is a law, and in Brazil, court decisions are complied with and then if you do not like them you can appeal but you cannot simply ignore them.

And this is where things change, because when the focus shifted from Twitter to Starlink, there was even more scandal. Let's read it again. Over coffee: the army will not comment on the relationship between the commander's son and the company Starlink. This is not the army's business. Here everything starts to get very tangled up. The army commander's son represents Starlink and the army contracts the services of the commander's son, a contract that was already under suspicion. The Federal Court of Auditors continues to investigate suspicions of favoritism towards Starlink in a bidding process held by the Amazon Military Command. The bidding process, which took place in May of this year, worth one and a half million reais, aimed to provide satellite internet in strategic areas of the Amazon. Starlink was the only company that met the technical requirements and strategic policies established in the bidding process, which eliminated the competition. The suspicion is that the bidding process was designed so that only Starlink could win. The one and a half million mentioned there is a small amount compared to the value of the strategic information that may be leaked. Although this bidding took place this year, the negotiations have been going on for much longer, but there is still a lot to be learned about this subject and it will take time to know how far this rabbit hole will go.

Thank you very much for reading this article until the end. If you read this far, my thanks, seriously, it was really worth it. And if you liked it, leave your like here. More and more often, Thank you.

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