Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has recently regained his freedom after paying a €5 million bail, following his arrest in August 2024 over allegations involving illegal activities on the Telegram platform. His release has reignited speculation within the crypto community about the potential impact on blockchain-related assets associated with him.
Notably, **TON (The Open Network)**, a cryptocurrency aligned with Durov's vision for a decentralized internet, is poised for renewed interest. Trading at approximately $4.80, TON has experienced pressure amid Durov's legal troubles, but his release may signal a resurgence for the token. Durov’s ongoing commitment to privacy and decentralization, principles central to TON, could lead to a revival in investor enthusiasm as his legal situation stabilizes.
Similarly, **NOT**—currently valued at $0.00750—is also attracting attention. This token, though relatively obscure compared to TON, has faced challenges during Durov’s detention but could be set for a rebound with his release. Both TON and NOT are seen as barometers of Durov’s broader ambitions, and the crypto market is closely watching their performance for signs of a potential rally.
The crypto landscape remains volatile, but there is a palpable sense of optimism that these tokens, tied closely to Durov’s advocacy for digital privacy and a decentralized web, could experience a significant uptick in value. Investors are keenly observing how these assets perform as confidence in Durov’s vision is renewed, making the coming days crucial for traders and crypto enthusiasts alike.