In a speech in New York, Trump said that if he is re-elected president, he will promote the United States to become the global center of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.

He promised to support future industries such as cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence and cut regulations. At the same time, he mentioned that he would adopt Musk's suggestion to set up an efficiency committee to review government spending to reduce waste.

Trump's move is obviously to attract supporters of the technology industry, especially practitioners in the fields of cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence. Such future industries are indeed the focus of global attention.

But how to balance the regulation of emerging technologies with promoting economic development is a major challenge. Cryptocurrency supporters want to reduce regulation to promote innovation, but government regulation is also to protect investors and prevent money laundering and other issues.

His ideas of reducing regulation, promoting energy production and establishing a government efficiency committee, although they may be beneficial to economic development, will also face a lot of controversy.

Does reducing regulation mean relaxing supervision of technology companies and financial markets?

Can the government efficiency committee really achieve the goal of saving money?

These are issues that need to be discussed in depth.