Do you understand that there is a TIME LAG in everything you do?



Let me spit some facts,

(Whether you want to believe it or not.)

There exists a time lag in everything you do...

You right now are currently living the outcomes of the decisions you made,

30, 60, or even 90 days ago...

And the decisions you make today?

They’ll shape your life 30, 60, 90 days from now.

That’s how it works,

This applies to EVERYTHING,

- your health,

- your relationships,

- and especially your wealth.

In #crypto, the moves you make now, when no one's watching,

When the market is quiet, when others are hesitating,

Will determine whether you’re celebrating OR regretting in 60 days.

You think millionaires are made overnight?


They’re made by the actions taken during the quiet, boring, uncertain times like these.

So the real question is:

What are you doing today that your future self will thank you for?

If you’re not thinking 30 days from now,

If you’re not preparing for the next big move,

You’ll be the one left behind while we are taking profits and winning.