The Grace Period for a Pioneer, that is currently eligible for KYC, begins on July 1, 2024.

They need to submit their first KYC application by September 30, 2024 and will need to migrate to Mainnet before December 31, 2024.

For Pioneers who are not eligible to submit their KYC application, their timer is paused and will resume once they become eligible.

For Pioneers who currently have a Tentative KYC status, their 6-month timer is paused and will resume once the block is resolved.

For Pioneers whose KYC applications are stuck in the KYC process for more than 1 month, their 6-month timer is also paused and will resume once the block is resolved. However, such pauses will be further refined in the future. The timer will only be paused for delays by system reasons. If there is a KYC user-action pending, e.g. resubmission or additional liveness checks, the timer will not be paused. Pioneers should take such required actions as soon as possible within the timer countdown.

For new Pioneers, the Grace Period will be paused until they complete thirty (30) mining sessions (“Minimum Mining Period”) and become eligible to apply for KYC. Then, the two deadlines of the Grace Period follow accordingly afterwards. This also applies to new Pioneers who join after the end of 2024.

If a Pioneer takes the pending user-action in the KYC process less than 1 month before the deadline, the timer will automatically top up to 1 month, to allow time for processing and finishing the next steps in KYC and Mainnet migration.

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