🚨 A Personal Message from Telegram's CEO 🙏 🚨
To our incredible community, thank you for your unwavering support and belief in us. ❤️ Recently, Telegram's CEO Pavel Durov faced a surprising legal situation in Paris, where he was questioned for four days. Authorities suggested holding him *personally responsible* for the misuse of Telegram by certain users. This came as a shock given that:
- Telegram has an official EU representative handling legal requests.
- French authorities had numerous ways to reach out directly.
- It’s unheard of to target the CEO for platform misuse rather than the platform itself.
As a true pioneer, Durov stands by the principle that **tech innovators shouldn’t be blamed for how their creations are misused**. Telegram remains dedicated to privacy and security while staying open to dialogue with regulators. As Telegram continues to grow, the commitment to its users’ safety is stronger than ever.
Get ready for more updates soon—Telegram is here to stay and innovate! 💪
#TelegramCEO #PrivacyFirst #techinnovation #USDataImpact #NFPWatch