Contract speculation strategy suitable for beginners

People often ask me how to operate contracts. Today I will summarize one of my basic frameworks for everyone:

1. Buy 20% first

2. If you buy the wrong one and lose 10%, stop loss immediately, and the amount of loss is 2% of the total position.

3. If you buy the right one and make a profit of 10%, immediately add 20% to the position, and then increase it by 10%, and then add 20% again. The last time, add 40% directly to expand the victory, and then hold it as long as there is no loss of 10%. Once it falls by 10%, close the entire position immediately.

The general central idea is like this, to minimize the risk, similar to the king of speculation Livermore. Of course, this is just a rough framework, and there will definitely be many uncertainties in the specific implementation. Because the market is changeable. I often execute this method during the order. In general, the current effect is still good, but it is not a 100% thing. It just reduces risks and increases profitability. You must talk about methods when doing contracts, otherwise you can only become leeks

If you don’t have a direction for ordering, you can follow my homepage, and I will share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich

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