Why can't you get out of the vicious circle of trading losses?

This should be the true portrayal of more than 90% of leeks.

It's like being possessed, unable to get out of the circle of losses. Just after making a single order, you lose money, cut it, and then make another order and lose money again, cut it again.

Every decline in the bear market is to lure the enemy in, and the experts die from bottom-fishing.

Every decline in the bull market is an opportunity to get on the train, and the novices die from fear of heights.

The key is how you judge whether the current market is in a bull market or a bear market.

In a bear market, you must learn to let go and stand outside the game and watch the fire from the other side.

No matter how hot the market is, you are calm and unmoved.

No matter how turbulent the market is, you are calm and unperturbed.

All this seems to have nothing to do with you.

You are short, and there is not a trace of surging in your heart.

In a bull market, you must bravely rush forward and be sure to enter the game. No matter how the market adjusts, you must resolutely hold on. No matter how the market drops, you keep adding positions without losing your rhythm. You may still be standing on the top of the mountain and feel a little chilly at this moment, but it doesn’t matter. When the wind blows over, the sun will still illuminate the earth. You are fully invested and you are full of joy. When you are right, do the right thing, and the result will definitely be right. When you are wrong, do the wrong thing, and the result will definitely be wrong. The key to the problem is when you can choose the right path at the right time. The answer may not be complicated, and it may be simple, but it is not easy to do it. It is not easy, but very difficult. What is the difficulty? The difficulty lies in defeating yourself and challenging human nature. Buy when no one cares, and sell when the crowd is bustling. You know, if you just stay at the level of understanding, then what is the meaning of understanding and not understanding. If you just stay at the level of knowing, then what is the relationship between knowing and not knowing. Friends who are currently confused and have no direction can follow me and look at my homepage. I will share layout strategies every day! Help you get rich

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