If you want to see this data, go to this channel: t.me/PrediccionesRealTime

To analyze the entries of this series of alerts, we can identify the following key points:

  1. Time taken for spikes: The time between alerts ranges from minutes to hours. The most significant changes, such as the 9.404636% spike that occurred at 15:40:50 AST on September 5, stood out as being fast and strong.

  2. Number of alerts in 24 hours:

    • Multiple alerts were reported in a single day, reflecting volatile market behavior. For example, in the series between September 3 and September 4, more than 10 alerts were issued.

    • It is important to group alerts by day to get a better analysis of how many occur in a 24-hour period.

  3. Point that caused the surge to explode:

    • A possible trigger for a large increase was the signal marked with 🚀, where the price jumped from 0.379600 USDT to 0.415300 USDT, representing a change of 9.404636%. This increase may be related to a major event or a build-up of activity that increased demand in the market for that cryptocurrency.

    • In the previous minutes, there were minor signals but with sufficient volumes to indicate significant movements before this big change.

In summary:

  • Duration of movement: There were rapid oscillations in short intervals (minutes) and more significant movements that took hours to develop.

  • Number of alerts: During periods of volatility, there may be many consecutive alerts in a single day, being more than 20 in this case.

  • Surge: The largest surge (9.404636%) was preceded by minor signals and may have been driven by a sudden increase in trading volume.

Hypotheses that could explain the significant rise (9.404636%) in the price of VICUSDT on September 5 at 15:40:50 AST:

  1. Accumulation of Previous Volatility:

    • Prior to the big surge, several significant fluctuations (such as increases and decreases of between 1.5% and 3.4%) were recorded in the preceding hours. These movements may indicate that investors were already actively trading the cryptocurrency, setting the stage for a larger move.

  2. Abnormal Trading Volume:

    • While the data does not explicitly show the volume in each of the above alerts, we do know that at one point (in alert 22) there was a notable volume of $25,025,260.40 USDT in trading. Volume of this magnitude may have created enough buying or selling pressure to trigger a massive change in price.

  3. Intervention of Whales or Big Investors:

    • In the pre-rally alert, there is no mention of extremely high volume, but there may have been a movement of large investors or “whales” who bought large amounts of VICUSDT, which quickly pushed the price up.

  4. External Events or Important News:

    • While this data does not explicitly show news or events, a sudden move like this could be influenced by external news related to cryptocurrency, such as trade associations, regulations, or adoption of the underlying technology, leading investors to buy massively.

  5. Market Manipulation:

    • In some cases, explosive moves like this can be the result of attempts at price manipulation, where a group of investors make large, coordinated purchases to artificially drive up the price (a phenomenon known as "pump and dump").

In summary, the rally was likely triggered by a combination of high prior volatility, increased volume and possible intervention by large players (whales), although external events or market manipulation cannot be ruled out. Additional data, such as total trading volume or events on social media or news, may provide better confirmation of the cause.


Previous Price: 0.417500 USDT
Current Price: 0.424100 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.580838%
Time: Tue Sep 03 00:06:55 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 1

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.424100 USDT
Current Price: 0.434900 USDT
Percentage Change: 2.546569%
Time: Tue Sep 03 00:14:21 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 2
Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.432000 USDT
Current Price: 0.425100 USDT
Percentage Change: -1.597222%
Time: Tue Sep 03 00:37:00 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 3

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.422000 USDT
Current Price: 0.429700 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.824645%
Time: Tue Sep 03 01:05:04 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 4

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.429700 USDT
Current Price: 0.422600 USDT
Percentage Change: -1.652316%
Time: Tue Sep 03 01:15:50 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 5

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.420000 USDT
Current Price: 0.427700 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.833333%
Time: Tue Sep 03 01:38:05 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 6

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.427700 USDT
Current Price: 0.418300 USDT
Percentage Change: -2.197802%
Time: Tue Sep 03 01:46:13 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 7

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.420000 USDT
Current Price: 0.410600 USDT
Percentage Change: -2.238095%
Time: Tue Sep 03 02:07:47 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 8

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.410600 USDT
Current Price: 0.417100 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.583049%
Time: Tue Sep 03 02:15:17 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 9

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.427800 USDT
Current Price: 0.420600 USDT
Percentage Change: -1.683029%
Time: Tue Sep 03 02:47:58 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 10

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.408800 USDT
Current Price: 0.417100 USDT
Percentage Change: 2.030333%
Time: Tue Sep 03 04:48:32 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 11

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.420400 USDT
Current Price: 0.428500 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.926736%
Time: Tue Sep 03 05:06:33 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 12

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.431800 USDT
Current Price: 0.423200 USDT
Percentage Change: -1.991663%
Time: Tue Sep 03 05:20:41 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 13

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.425200 USDT
Current Price: 0.433000 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.834431%
Time: Tue Sep 03 07:06:34 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 14

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.433000 USDT
Current Price: 0.444800 USDT
Percentage Change: 2.725173%
Time: Tue Sep 03 07:13:46 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 15

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.444800 USDT
Current Price: 0.453700 USDT
Percentage Change: 2.000899%
Time: Tue Sep 03 07:21:22 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 16

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.446800 USDT
Current Price: 0.435900 USDT
Percentage Change: -2.439570%
Time: Tue Sep 03 08:17:19 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 17

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.423000 USDT
Current Price: 0.429700 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.583924%
Time: Tue Sep 03 09:22:05 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 18

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.420100 USDT
Current Price: 0.426500 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.523447%
Time: Tue Sep 03 10:15:49 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 19

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.420800 USDT
Current Price: 0.411100 USDT
Percentage Change: -2.305133%
Time: Tue Sep 03 10:33:53 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 20

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.414400 USDT
Current Price: 0.426200 USDT
Percentage Change: 2.847490%
Time: Tue Sep 03 11:18:34 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 21

DATE: Tue Sep 03 12:13:51 AST 2024
VOLUME USDT: $25,025,260.40
PRICE: 0.4128
Number of Alerts: 22

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.411300 USDT
Current Price: 0.398300 USDT
Percentage Change: -3.160710%
Time: Tue Sep 03 13:45:58 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 1

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.398300 USDT
Current Price: 0.412000 USDT
Percentage Change: 3.439618%
Time: Tue Sep 03 13:55:25 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 2

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.413900 USDT
Current Price: 0.406600 USDT
Percentage Change: -1.763711%
Time: Tue Sep 03 14:16:24 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 3

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.407400 USDT
Current Price: 0.401000 USDT
Percentage Change: -1.570938%
Time: Tue Sep 03 21:04:43 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 4

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.401000 USDT
Current Price: 0.391700 USDT
Percentage Change: -2.319202%
Time: Tue Sep 03 21:12:37 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 5

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.391700 USDT
Current Price: 0.399100 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.889201%
Time: Tue Sep 03 21:23:03 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 6

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.402200 USDT
Current Price: 0.410400 USDT
Percentage Change: 2.038787%
Time: Tue Sep 03 22:07:15 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 7

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.400000 USDT
Current Price: 0.391700 USDT
Percentage Change: -2.075000%
Hora: Wed Sep 04 04:05:46 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 8

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.382700 USDT
Current Price: 0.388500 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.515547%
Hora: Wed Sep 04 10:47:25 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 9

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.391700 USDT
Current Price: 0.397900 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.582844%
Hora: Wed Sep 04 21:01:45 AST 2024
Number of Alerts: 7

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.402900 USDT
Current Price: 0.410400 USDT
Percentage Change: 1.861504%
Time: Thu Sep 05 00:20:33 AST
Number of Alerts: 4

đŸŸ© Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.407600 USDT
Current Price: 0.417900 USDT
Percentage Change: 2.526987%
Time: Thu Sep 05 01:18:22 AST
Number of Alerts: 5

đŸŸ„ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.413700 USDT
Current Price: 0.399600 USDT
Percentage Change: -3.408267%
Time: Thu Sep 05 01:35:50 AST
Number of Alerts: 6

Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.393700 USDT
Current Price: 0.385100 USDT
Percentage Change: -2.184404%
Time: Thu Sep 05 02:39:34 AST
Number of Alerts: 7

đŸŸ©đŸš€đŸš€đŸš€ Significant change!

Previous Price: 0.379600 USDT
Current Price: 0.415300 USDT
Percentage Change: 9.404636%
Time: Thu Sep 05 15:40:50 AST
Number of Alerts: 1