【Trump will propose a new economic plan to "make America affordable again"】 Golden Finance reported that according to the Trump campaign team, Donald Trump will give a speech at the New York Economic Club on Thursday and will propose an economic vision with the theme of "Make America Affordable Again", with the goal of improving economic affordability and reducing the cost of living for the American people. Trump's plan focuses on reducing government waste, reducing excessive regulation, and releasing domestic energy production-all of which he believes are essential to revitalizing the economy. The core of the "Make America Affordable Again" plan is the establishment of a government efficiency committee, an idea proposed by Elon Musk, which will conduct a comprehensive audit of the federal government to find waste, fraud and inefficiency. According to people familiar with the matter, Trump's goal is to streamline government operations and curb inflation by reducing unnecessary spending as a way to curb bloated bureaucracy. With his record of deregulation and fiscal austerity, Trump intends to portray himself as a leader who can "make America affordable again." The plan also includes a strong push for deregulation, especially in the fields of housing and energy. Hoping to reduce housing costs by reducing regulations and opening federal lands for large-scale housing development, its energy approach is centered on fast-track approvals for drilling and pipelines, hoping to significantly reduce energy prices. Another key element of Trump's "Make America Affordable Again" plan is a promise to repeal unused funds from the Biden administration's Inflation Reduction Act. Trump is also expected to reiterate his support for "smart tariffs" on imported goods as a way to boost domestic manufacturing. Trump believes that tariffs are an important tool to protect American industry, keep the economy competitive, and open global markets to American companies. The Trump campaign revealed that tariffs will help reduce inflation by encouraging domestic production - a core theme of his economic agenda.