🚨🚨😳😳A recent report from Scam Sniffer revealed a costly mistake that led a victim to lose $1 million worth of ETH. 😳😳🚨🚨

The error? Copying a fraudulent address from a compromised transfer history. It’s a reminder that relying on your transaction history as a reference when transferring crypto can lead to significant losses.

Earlier this year, a trader made a similar mistake and lost an eye-watering $68 million worth of wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC) by copying the wrong address from their transfer log. These incidents highlight a growing scam called address poisoning. In this scheme, scammers generate vanity addresses that closely resemble the victim's actual address. They send a tiny transaction to the victim, hoping that one day the user will copy the wrong address out of habit or haste.

The key takeaway? Always double-check the address you’re sending crypto to, no matter how familiar it looks. This simple step can protect your assets from falling into the wrong hands.