Odaily Planet Daily News: Justin Drake, a core researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, responded to the question "As Layer2 solutions mature, are there any plans to further expand Ethereum Layer1? If so, what methods are being considered?" during the 12th AMA of the Ethereum Foundation: The Ethereum Foundation's long-term sustainable plan is to use SNARKs to expand the EVM execution of the main network, which is basically unlimited. Through real-time L1 EVM SNARKing, provers can verify cheap SNARKs instead of naively re-executing EVM transactions. This will enable the mainnet to increase the gas limit by several orders of magnitude without burdening the verifier. All heavy EVM execution will occur outside the consensus of specialized nodes operated by entities such as searchers, builders, and explorers. It will be easy for users and consensus participants to run their nodes on mobile phones or watches. In addition to the vertical expansion advantages brought by significantly increasing the L1 EVM gas limit, there is also an opportunity to use EVM-in-EVM precompilation for arbitrary horizontal expansion to verify EVM execution within the EVM at low cost. This precompile will allow developers to programmatically spin up new L1 EVM instances, unlocking a supercharged version of execution sharding where the number of shards is unlimited (rather than capped at 64 or 1024 shards) and individual shards are programmable rollups (with programmable governance, ordering, gas), called "native rollups." (Reddit)