Looking back at history, the market turmoil in 2015, 2017 and 2020, although only a few years apart, is difficult to fully evoke the emotions of the time with just the description of text and online posts.

The feelings brought by experiencing the ups and downs of the market in person are more profound than simply reading.

From personal experience, the pessimism caused by the continuous limit-down of thousands of stocks in the stock market in 2015 even exceeded the current situation.

People often comment on historical events, but these discussions are often based on hearsay and rumors, lacking a comprehensive understanding of the situation at the time.

People of different ages and experiences often have very different feelings and understandings of the same event.

History is far more complicated than what is recorded in books, and it is not just as superficial as what is shown in online posts. Although the cryptocurrency field consumes a lot of social resources and attention, only Bitcoin and Ethereum have truly stood the test of time so far.

These successes prove that the resources invested are not in vain. 📈 Want to learn more about the logic of cryptocurrency investment? Please visit my main Ye Jianjie.

Although the current market seems sluggish, new opportunities may be brewing. We should remain optimistic and believe that a better future is coming.

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