Odaily Planet Daily News A 19-year-old cryptocurrency trader "ZK" originally planned to exchange 32,000 Singapore dollars (about 24,000 US dollars) into USDT through offline transactions, but was attacked in a parking lot. According to Mothership, the incident occurred on August 29, and ZK agreed to a transaction with the seller through Telegram. The original location was a public shopping mall, but the seller temporarily changed the location to a nearby parking lot. During the transaction, two men who "looked like ordinary passers-by" approached, and one of them suddenly attacked ZK's left face. Fearing that his cash would be robbed, ZK immediately fled to a nearby shopping mall and shouted for help. The attacker chased him unsuccessfully, and ZK then called the police. The Singapore police have arrested two suspects aged 20 and 21 on suspicion of attempted robbery. ZK said that he contacted the seller through Telegram. Although there had been no transactions before, he chose offline transactions to avoid transaction fees. (protos)