World Liberty Financial, an upcoming DeFi project promoted by the family of former President Donald Trump, claims to aim to maintain the global dominance of the US dollar using stablecoins.

“Our mission is clear: Make crypto and America great by driving mass adoption of stablecoins and decentralized finance,” World Liberty Financial said in a series of tweets on September 6. “We want USD-pegged stablecoins to remain the world’s payments layer in 100 years.”

The statement comes amid concerns about the weakening of the US dollar on the international stage. Experts point to the emergence of the group of emerging economies such as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) as seeking to create a counterweight to the greenback.

At the same time, the share of USD in global foreign exchange reserves is also falling to a record low. World Liberty Financial sees this as a vital issue for the US and wants to solve it through its DeFi project.

However, the project has also been mired in controversy. CoinDesk reported that World Liberty Financial was developed by the team behind Dough Finance, a DeFi protocol that was hacked. The project has been accused of reusing source code from Dough Finance, a claim World Liberty Financial has denied.

World Liberty Financial said it is partnering with Aave, a reputable DeFi lending protocol, to build the platform. However, Aave has not commented on this information.

The project also released a list of security firms that have audited its source code, including Zokyo, Fuzzland, PeckShield, and BlockSec.