How should I adjust if I keep losing money when speculating in cryptocurrencies?

The cryptocurrency market fluctuates greatly, and you only need to catch a big market once in your lifetime. Many people can’t catch a big market once in their lifetime. They just keep making short-term losses and gains. They fail to keep the profits and lose them in the next wave.

Work hard, study the contracts carefully, but don’t play with heavy positions. Use light positions and compound interest slowly from 5,000 to 50,000. This process is the most difficult but the most nurturing of trading qualities. In this process, you can form your own trading system, which can be changed and applied to other speculative markets in the future.

Then compound interest according to the previous profit method, from 50,000 to 100,000, 100,000 to 200,000, 200,000 to 500,000. If you do this, you are not far from success, and you find that you already have the means to make stable profits, and then you are only 1 times away from becoming a millionaire.

The essence of trading profit is not complicated, it is spring planting and autumn harvest. You need to fertilize and hoe the land, but it is not necessary. No matter how good the seeds are, they will germinate in the right climate. The germinated seeds will also have enough time to grow and bear fruit. You need to wait patiently. Pulling up the seedlings will not help them grow. The most important thing is that if the climate is not good that year, no matter how you fertilize, it will be in vain. Accept this fact and you will know what to do.

Life only needs two bull markets, and life only needs to be rich once.

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