The currency market fell in tandem with economic concerns, and the Fed's interest rate hike expectations became a double-edged sword.

The current general decline in the capital market is rooted in the market's deep concerns about the US economic recession. The latest ISM manufacturing index and PMI data were both lower than expected, further exacerbating this sentiment. In the currency circle, such economic data is often seen as a catalyst for the Fed's interest rate hike, which constitutes a positive expectation for the short-term market. However, from a macro perspective, this is undoubtedly a negative signal for the overall economy, directly impacting the US stock market and affecting the crypto market.

Whether interest rate hikes can cure economic problems has been discussed in detail in the previous article, so I won't repeat it here. As an ordinary investor, it is particularly important to remain calm and determined in the face of market fluctuations. If you have already made a proper layout but suffer a floating loss, paying too much attention to the market will only add to your troubles. It should be noted that when the market is sluggish, everyone is facing challenges. Adjusting your mentality and watching the wind and clouds with a smile is the only way to make a profit. Spot Contract Junyang👉@点这里 加密乘风

In the long run, adhering to the concept of value investment and holding on to spot and value coins can stand firm in the market storm. Remember, short-sighted operations are often a hotbed of losses. Only by insight into trends and embracing long-term value can you win. #非农就业数据即将公布 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #以太坊基金会 #Telegram创始人获保释