BTC / ETH are still in a 4-hour downward trend!

Yesterday, BTC rebounded after testing the 56200 position on August 16, which is also in line with technical analysis, but I hope that the rebound below 54500 will have a greater and more lasting rebound. Whether the current rebound is sustainable still needs to observe the support strength after stepping back to 56000!

ETH is relatively standard and easier to analyze. Since the decline of August 5, ETH has basically been divided into three shock intervals. It is currently in shock after the decline of August 28. Yesterday's decline completed the first position I think should be reached. The retracement is the low point of the 8.8 rising relay, and there was also a small rebound. This is also the reason for the rebound yesterday. However, it is still in a shocking downward trend for the time being. It is best to retest the 2300-2400 pin withdrawal to bet on another rebound. In the short term, I think ETH's retracement yesterday has reached the point I think. As long as it does not fall below 2300, I will continue to look for opportunities to go long in the near future.

If the relatively worse situation is that it breaks through the 2300 position directly, then we can only make a real second exploration near the previous lowest point!