QCP Capital Experts Warn! ⚠️ Hard Moves Begin in Bitcoin and ETH!!

Recent data indicates that volatility in the crypto market will increase.

Analysts at QCP Capital, a successful analytics company, say that volatility in Bitcoin and Ethereum will begin to increase. Here is the latest report shared by experts on BTC and ETH:

“QCP’s Volatility Momentum Indicator (VMI) was triggered this morning for both BTC and ETH, indicating that the market has entered a period of increased volatility.

This signal is directionally neutral, meaning it does not indicate spot direction, but indicates that larger price movements are possible in the short term (below is a chart showing BTC implied volatility compared to past VMI signals).”

With the end of the summer months, volatility in the cryptocurrency sector seems to be increasing again. During the summer months, trading volumes in crypto assets usually dropped significantly.

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