While the ISUSGO Ecosystem is developing day by day, we are also negotiating with cryptocurrency exchanges and following the cryptocurrency market closely. ISUS pricing is progressing with a continuous upward strategy. We control the activity on the DEX and CEX exchanges. We must be on the exchanges at the right time to prevent what happened to NOT coin and TON coin from happening to us. Otherwise, the price of ISUS is only worth a few cents, just like NOT and similar coins. No, this is not what we want. Currently, all the world's stock markets (even stock markets other than crypto exchanges) have been affected by the economic situation in Japan. We think it will take 3-4 months to recover. We are aware of everything and follow it closely. We follow the advice of economists within ISUS@TEAM. ISUSGO has a dedicated and solid community. That's why we will build a civilization while others disappear.
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