About overflow and when it is appropriate.

There are 2 conditional coins TWT and STRK

According to TWT, the zone of interest is everything below $1

According to STRK, the area of ​​interest is everything below $1

Scenario 1:

Let's say at the time of purchase, coins were bought for $1000 twt and $1000 strk, after 2 months the STRK project had a pump, but the market remained at approximately the same values ​​as it was and we saw the following picture:

STRK - 3$

Twt - 1$

In such a reality, you can withdraw $1,000 of invested funds from STRK by selling 333 coins and leave 667 until STRK reaches the selling interest zone.

At the same time, we have 667 absolutely free coins and $1,000 that were invested, if a decision was made to put this $1,000 further into business, and there was a need to increase the position on TWT, buying an additional 10-30% would not be a mistake.

Scenario 2:

Let's say at the time of purchase it was purchased

for $1000 twt and $1000 strk, after 2 months there was negativity on the market and we saw this picture:

TWT - 0.9$ (minus 10% of the area of ​​interest)

STRK - 0.4$ (minus 60% of the area of ​​interest)

Under certain circumstances, if the situation was analyzed and a decision was made to average the purchase price for STRK, selling a conditional 10-30% of TWT and buying STRK with this money would not be a mistake BUT the overflow in such market situations must be justified and with a specific purpose and understanding of what was done and for what purpose.

Transfers should be carried out in order to correct the situation in the portfolio and not because it became boring. The most effective and problem-free options are in the case of a sharp growth of one specific project in the portfolio at a time when all the others are standing still and do not show growth or, on the contrary, show a drawdown, in this case, withdrawing invested funds from the pumped coin in order to correct the average purchase price for other coins that have fallen sharply is a completely justified measure.

Scenario 3:

Let's say at the time of purchase, coins were bought for $1000 twt and $1000 strk, after 2 months the market is positive and we see the following picture:

TWT - 3$

STRK -2$

Here we get bored, we remember that we need to imitate the activity, because we are a cool trader, speculator, businessman, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist and we sell half of TWT on the fly and buy STRK with the proceeds $.

These are the kind of overflows that are called so that you don't want to sh&:₽t, we never do that, even if it's really boring 😀

I hope I conveyed the meaning 🦾