I feel rather heavy-hearted today. Although I am full of confidence in the future, facing the panic in the market, I feel heavy-hearted too.

If I were the only one, I would be very relaxed now. No matter how much the market falls, it will basically go back up by the end of the year.

I am not worried about the market.

But many friends in the circle can’t bear it anymore. We received a lot of private messages today, all complaining to me. Shisan can only recharge his faith in him.

Every word Thirteen said is true. Although it sounds like chicken soup, Thirteen has experienced the same situation in previous bull and bear cycles, and it was even more desperate than this time.

If you have ever experienced a sudden 90% drop in your assets, you can now also take it easy.

On the surface, the market fluctuates violently, but in fact, there are only a few things going on underneath.

The market makers hope to use such fluctuations to wash out the "leeks" before the bull market rises.

If such a sluggish market continues throughout September, then it will definitely rise suddenly at some point in time, leaving the leeks no time to get on board.

Thirteen has experienced this situation too many times. He didn't dare to buy when the price fell, and he was reluctant to sell when the price went up. While hesitating, he became a leek.

Thirteen always lets everyone buy at the bottom when the price is falling within a specific range, because no one can predict the future market conditions.

While we are buying at the bottom, we must also prepare for the worst.

This is the cryptocurrency world, full of unknowns.


The U.S. stock market has plummeted in the past few days, and the cryptocurrency market has also followed suit.

In Thirteen's opinion, this decline is actually quite good.

Look at Nvidia, which fell 9.5% in one day, setting a record for the largest single-day drop in the history of U.S. stocks.

In the previous big market trend, the AI ​​track failed to catch up, which made many people slap their thighs, and the whole market was very fomo.

As long as it is related to the concept of AI, everyone will jump in without a second thought.

Shisan once said that none of the projects in the AI ​​track have been implemented. WLD is the only one that can be seen and touched, but it is facing suppression from various countries. After all, this is a naked snatching of users' privacy rights from them.

This is definitely intolerable under the power of this centralized world.

In addition, WLD was so hyped that its price was inflated. When WLD was listed on 10U, Shisan told everyone to run away quickly. At that time, many people in the square called Shisan a fool.

Their target for this coin is 100U.

This is equivalent to hundreds or even thousands of ChatGPTs. Is this possible?

The AI ​​track is in an awkward situation now. It is clear that this track has a promising future, but after being over-hyped, the market value of almost all projects is inflated, and there is no profit model or imagination space at all.

At least this is the case for projects in the cryptocurrency world.

However, the process of deflating the bubble will be very painful. Perhaps at some point in the future, AI will return to a reasonable value range or even be underestimated. At this time, we can buy some stocks at the bottom.


This time all capital markets fell.

The reason is very simple: concerns about a US economic recession.

The ISM manufacturing data for August released yesterday was 47.2, while the expected reading was 47.5; the PMI data released earlier was also lower than expected.

Usually the cryptocurrency world is concerned about the poor economic performance, so it is certain that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates this month.

We think it is positive.

But for the overall economy, it is bad news, which will be directly reflected in the US stock market and then extend to the cryptocurrency circle.

Can raising interest rates solve the problem?

If you are confused about this question, go out and turn left. In yesterday’s article, Thirteen has already clearly discussed this issue.

As an ordinary investor, there is very little we can do.

There is no need for us to pay too much attention to the cryptocurrency circle if you have already completed your layout and are now in a floating loss.

Looking at it a few more times will only add to your troubles.

The market is bad and everyone is losing money, not just you and me.

The most important thing between ups and downs is your mentality. If one day you can laugh at ups and downs and not worry about not making money, and have this confidence, then no one in the currency circle can cut you off.

If you open your eyes to a higher level, you will find that no matter how the market fluctuates, as long as we hold the spot and embrace the value currency, it is basically impossible to lose money.

The more you care about short-term market conditions, the greater the possibility of losing money.