Do you know the difference between web3 and web3.0?

Many don't have the slightest idea, but yes, they are different concepts for the Internet revolution. Today, if we look at 98% of the content in Portuguese on the subject, we see that the vast majority, and especially what is disseminated by the media, is a wrong and confusing concept, some articles on the Brazilian Internet even mix terms from both, identify web3 as web3.0 and another series of errors, which is why I present this post to you in a very summarized and dynamic way about the concepts applied by the respective founders of web3 and web3.0 .

The concept of web3.0 was created by Tim Berners-Lee, the same creator of the famous World Wide Web or www that we use on the current Internet (web2.0) to access any data on the network.

Tim Berners-Lee

In 1989 Tim worked at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), it was then that he created a protocol that took information from the internet and organized it into blocks of texts, images and multimedia. The objective was to facilitate the sharing of information within CERN. , it was something so phenomenal that everyone started using it due to the ease of addressing content and accessing it, thus giving rise to the famous "Internet boom" of the 90s, through Tim's protocol it was possible to create browsers like Google and all that that we see on today's Internet.

Tim recently launched a new Internet concept that would be a more mechanical and less human Internet, the semantic web, a 100% intelligent Internet, this new web will allow machines to interpret a much larger volume of data, this will mean that people can interacting in depth with other users from any platform, it would be a revolutionary web but not so much for the user itself but for big techs.

In web3.0, artificial intelligence would take over and control of the internet would remain in the hands of the giants and the user would basically be the audience, as is already happening today, where only market giants are able to create solutions to feed this network, such as chat. GPT, Meta... These are tools created by giants that could never be developed in a P2P format from user to user, in short, web 3.0 is a "boring" Internet for the user as everything would be very robotic and we as users would continue to be just audience, without an active voice and being massacred with advertisements, advertisements and advertisements, the algorithm would become increasingly intelligent to the point that you would do any search and it would deliver you only propaganda and make you consume that content as if it were something organic and genuine.

Can you see that this is already happening today and how bad it is for human interaction?


In web3, the concept is very different, technology would continue to be used but not as a protagonist in the story but as a gear that enhances the humanization of the internet, the web3 concept was developed by

Gavin Wood, developer engineer and CO-Founder of Ethereum in 2014, he coined the name web3 and began this journey.

Gavin Wood

The concept of web3 is a decentralized Internet, without intermediaries where interactions would be via P2P from person to person and all transactions are via smart contract, the IPFS protocol enhanced this possibility by creating the possibility of transforming websites into hash, another great platform that is developing a protocol similar to IPFS is Binance itself, these protocols such as IPFS serve as an "addressing path" as it is today with www, the great advantage of this model is that it removes the current power of big techs and gives it to the user, it returns privacy and independence to the user, in this model the internet becomes unstoppable and uncensorable because as there is no centralizing agent, absolutely NO ONE would be able to take down a website.

It works like this: you create your website with the usual tools, HTML, CSS, JS... And deploy this website in a hash within a system similar to a blockchain where the addressing is direct and anonymous, after that your website is distributed throughout the network, making it impossible to take it offline considering that its version has already been multiplied by each network user when accessing its content, this model restores freedom of expression and the independence of content where an advertisement must appear. a fair partnership with the portal owner occurs.

This Internet model also brought another novelty and benefit, which is the concept of NFT domains, they enable the link between a hash of a website and a domain read by humans, giving the website owner the ownership of the domain, which is not just a rental, In today's Internet you never own a domain you just rent it from a centralized organization that can withdraw or take down your domain whenever you want, in NFT domains this does not happen because the domain is a non-fungible token in your wallet and you can speculate with it , renting, selling you actually own 100% ownership of your domain without any centralizing agent.

Some browsers have already joined web3 and are resolving domain names in NFT, for example brave, opera... that is, if you put an NFT domain in these browsers they recognize it and deliver it to you as a domain, another technology giant that is preparing the ground to resolve NFT domains is Google where it has already hired some blockchain engineers to deal with the topic.

There are another series of advantages to web3 that only make it more fascinating but this is a lot of content to cover here, anyway what we need to keep in mind is that web3 is good for us users it delivers freedom and ownership, as web 3.0 is bad because it hands over the rest of user control to big tech and makes the web more mechanical and robotic, delivering no advantage to the end user.

#Web3 #web3.0 #sitesdescentralizado #nft #dominionft