Introduction: Homomorphic encryption technology has quietly appeared like an invisible cloak in the digital world. It promises a seemingly impossible future: complex data analysis and calculations without leaking the original data. This article will take you to explore the application of homomorphic encryption in recommendation systems and reveal how this technology can protect our privacy in the era of big data.

1. The privacy dilemma of recommendation systems

a) Review of user data leakage incidents and their impact

Historically, many major personal information leaks have been discovered. According to Bleeping Computer, in early 2023, PepsiCo Bottling Ventures LLC suffered a cyber attack, and the attacker stole a large amount of sensitive data from the company's IT system by installing information-stealing malware. What's more worrying is that the attack was not discovered until nearly a month after it occurred, fully exposing the company's vulnerability in cybersecurity.

Not only businesses, but even government agencies are not immune. In February 2023, a server storing 3TB of internal military emails was exposed online for two weeks. The server was hosted on Microsoft's Azure Government Cloud and was supposed to be a secure environment physically isolated from other commercial customers. The leaked data contained sensitive information related to the U.S. Special Operations Command, which is responsible for carrying out special military operations in the United States.


Image source: Blockworks

In the digital age, even large companies and government agencies have difficulty fully guaranteeing data security. As data plays an increasingly important role in modern society, the potential risks that such security breaches may bring are becoming more serious.

b) The conflict between privacy protection and personalized recommendation

Personalized recommendation systems have become a core component of user experience, and there is an irreconcilable contradiction between this convenience and user privacy. On the one hand, users are eager to obtain accurate recommendations that meet their personal preferences, which requires the system to have a deep understanding of the user. On the other hand, in order to obtain such personalized services, users have to provide a large amount of personal information to the system, which undoubtedly increases the risk of privacy leakage. Ultimately, a new balance may need to be reached between users, companies, and regulators.

2. Unveiling homomorphic encryption: the invisible cloak of data

In this context, homomorphic encryption technology provides us with a new idea. The decentralized nature of blockchain, combined with advanced cryptographic techniques such as homomorphic encryption, has the potential to completely change the way personal data is collected, stored, and used.

For example, a blockchain-based recommendation system may work like this: the user's personal data is encrypted and stored on the blockchain, and only the user has the decryption key. The recommendation algorithm runs on the encrypted data to generate encrypted recommendation results. These results can only be decrypted and used with the user's authorization. This approach ensures the accuracy of the recommendation while maximizing user privacy. Going further, smart contracts can be used to automatically enforce rules and restrictions on data use, ensuring that companies can only use data within the scope of the user's explicit consent. This not only increases transparency, but also gives users more control over their own data.


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a) What is homomorphic encryption? A simple explanation

Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a technique that allows data to be processed without decryption. It can be used to create private smart contracts on public, permissionless blockchains, where only specific users can see transaction data and contract status. While FHE has been too slow to be practical in the past, recent breakthroughs will make this possible in the next few years.

Let's take an example. Suppose there are two good friends, Peter and Julie, who both like to collect rare stamps. One day, Peter wants to know which stamps he and Julie have in common, but he doesn't want to completely expose his collection.

Traditional method:

Peter shows Julie his stamp catalog. Julie flips through Peter's catalog, comparing it to her own collection. Whenever she finds a stamp they both have, she writes it down on a new list. Finally, Julie gives Peter the list of identical stamps. Peter now knows the stamps they both have, but Julie also sees Peter's entire collection.

Privacy protection method:

Now imagine there is a magical machine. Peter and Julie each input their own stamp catalog into the machine. The machine will magically compare the two catalogs and then only show Peter the common stamps. During this process, Julie cannot see Peter's catalog, and Peter cannot see Julie's catalog. Julie does not even know what the final result is unless Peter actively tells her.

This is the application of homomorphic encryption in the blockchain world. It allows us to conduct private transactions and operations on public platforms, protecting privacy while retaining the transparency and security of the blockchain. Although this technology was previously difficult to apply due to speed issues, with recent technological breakthroughs, it is expected to become a reality in the next few years, bringing more privacy protection and innovation to our digital lives.

b) The magic of homomorphic encryption: computing in an encrypted state

The core principle of homomorphic encryption is that the operation performed on the encrypted data is equivalent to the result of performing the same operation on the original data and then encrypting it. This means that we can perform meaningful calculations and analysis on the encrypted data without knowing the content of the original data.

The main types of homomorphic encryption include:

l Partially Homomorphic Encryption (PHE):

Only one operation is supported, such as addition or multiplication.

For example: RSA encryption supports multiplication homomorphism, and Paillier encryption supports addition homomorphism.

Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE):

Supports a limited number of addition and multiplication operations.

For example: the early Gentry scheme.

l Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE):

It supports any number of addition and multiplication operations and can theoretically perform any calculation.

For example: the improved Gentry solution, IBM's HElib library.

l Leveled Homomorphic Encryption:

It is between SHE and FHE and supports circuit calculations of predefined depth.

Technical implementation:

Lattice-based Cryptography:

Many modern FHE schemes are based on lattice cryptography, such as Gentry's original scheme and subsequent improvements.

These schemes are usually based on the Ring-LWE (Ring Learning Error) problem.

l Integer basis scheme:

Some schemes work directly on integers, such as the one proposed by van Dijk et al.

l Approximate Math:

The CKKS scheme allows homomorphic computation of approximate numbers and is suitable for applications such as machine learning.


Some schemes combine machine learning techniques, such as homomorphic encryption based on neural networks.

Of course, there are also practical use cases, such as secure multi-party computing, where multiple parties can jointly compute a function without disclosing their respective inputs. Another example is privacy-preserving machine learning, which trains and runs machine learning models on encrypted data to protect data privacy.

Although homomorphic encryption is very powerful, it also faces some challenges, mainly computational efficiency issues. The computational overhead of fully homomorphic encryption is still large, which limits its use in some real-time applications. However, with the continuous deepening of research and the advancement of hardware, these limitations are gradually being overcome.

Image source: tvdn

c) Comparison with traditional encryption methods

Homomorphic encryption (HE) and zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) are both privacy protection technologies that have attracted much attention in the field of cryptography. However, there are significant differences in their application methods and characteristics. There are several main differences:

1) Homomorphic encryption allows computation to be performed directly on encrypted data, while zero-knowledge proofs can prove the correctness of a statement without revealing specific information. In terms of data availability, homomorphic encryption usually stores encrypted data on the blockchain, which makes the data always accessible and processable. In contrast, zero-knowledge proofs may keep the original data off-chain and only provide verification results on-chain.

2) A significant advantage of homomorphic encryption is its excellent composability: once the data is encrypted and placed on the chain, due to its homomorphic properties, it can be easily integrated into other applications for further calculations and deal with. This feature is especially important when building complex privacy-preserving applications. Zero-knowledge proofs have relatively low flexibility in this regard, and it is difficult to directly use the results of one proof for another proof process. However, these two technologies are not mutually exclusive; instead, they are often used in combination to bring out the advantages of each.

With the continuous development of blockchain and privacy computing technology, we can foresee that homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proof will play an increasingly important role in future privacy protection applications. Their combined use will provide strong technical support for building safer and more private decentralized systems.


In this data-driven era, we are standing at a critical crossroads. Homomorphic encryption technology is like an invisible cloak in the digital world, providing us with strong privacy protection while enjoying the convenience of big data. It allows us to perform calculations in the fog of encryption, while protecting personal privacy and maintaining the accuracy and value of data analysis.

However, the balance between accuracy and privacy is a delicate art. The magic of homomorphic encryption recommendation system lies not only in its technological innovation, but also in its attempt to find a delicate balance between personalized services and privacy protection. But we must also realize that this balance is not easy. There is no free lunch, and technological progress is always accompanied by challenges and trade-offs. Although homomorphic encryption is powerful, its computational overhead is still large, which may affect the response speed and efficiency of the system. In addition, how to ensure the security of encrypted data and how to prevent potential attacks are all issues that we need to continue to pay attention to and solve.

Looking ahead, we expect to see more innovative technologies emerge that will continue to push the balance between privacy protection and data utilization. Perhaps one day, we will be able to build a true digital utopia where everyone can freely share and use data without worrying about their privacy being violated.