Is September the best time to buy at the bottom? How to buy at the bottom?

Is now the best time to buy at the bottom? If you think the market has bottomed out now, how can you operate efficiently?

The market has been adjusting since March 14th, and it has been almost six months. The fluctuations during this period are not unfamiliar, but there is a key point that you cannot ignore: the market tends to fall in September every year, while October often ushered in a rise!

So, although the decline in September may seem frustrating, it may also be the best time for you to buy.

Pessimists will say that September will fall again, but optimists believe that this is the time to enter the market at a low price and prepare for the upcoming rise!

You must know that with limited funds, how to choose the target and manage the position is directly related to your profit and loss ratio. This is the key. Remember, accurate selection and strategy management are the secrets to success!

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