To estimate the potential price of TapSwap tokens, we first need to calculate the token price based on the projected market cap and total supply.
Token Price = Estimated Market Cap\Total Supply
- For a $700 Million Market Cap:
Token Price = 700,000,000/18,000,000,000 = 0.0389
- For an $800 Million Market Cap:
Token Price = 800,000,000/18,000,000,000 = 0.0444
Thus, the estimated price range for TapSwap tokens is approximately $0.030 to $0.050.
2. Conversion Rate Analysis:
The predicted conversion rate of 1000:1 implies that for every 1000 TapSwap coins earned through tapping, users will receive one TAPS token. If we apply this conversion rate to the estimated TapSwap price range:
- For a 1000:1 Conversion Rate:
With a conversion rate of 1000 TapSwap coins to 1 TAPS token, the value of the coins earned through tapping can be analyzed as follows:
Value of 1000 TapSwap Coins =TAPS Token Price
Therefore, based on the TAPS token price:
- At $0.03 per TapSwap Token:
Value of 1000 TapSwap Coins = 0.03
- At $0.06 per TapSwap Token:
Value of 1000 TapSwap Coins = 0.06
Based on the projected market cap and total supply, TapSwap tokens are expected to launch with a price range of $0.03 to $0.05.
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