⚠️ Cryptocurrency enthusiasts have become the targets of a new cybercrime tactic. Criminals are creating fake blockchain games

➡️We first came across this threat in a newsletter from BHMEA speaker Graham Cluley. The games are being promoted on social media, with threat actors direct-messaging some targets to entice them to download the games via access codes.

➡️And as Cluley pointed out, it’s likely that targets are being identified based on their involvement in, and enthusiasm for, cryptocurrency in general – they’re people who are eager to engage in the space, and cybercriminals are leveraging that eagerness as a human vulnerability.

✔️ What are the games called?

Researcher Iamdeadlyz has identified the names of a number of fake games:

🟢Brawl Earth






🟢Olymp of Reptiles


They’re play-to-earn games that promise crypto rewards. Iamdeadlyz has also published a detailed analysis of how the threat actors are deploying the malware and accessing the contents of victims’ crypto wallets.

✔️ What malware are they delivering?

They’re delivering Realst on Mac – which steals data from web browsers and cryptocurrency wallets.

On Windows, the games are delivering RedLine Stealer.

Beware!!! Not to install these games or which have similar nature as you might lose which you already have