TechFlow reported that Casey, the founder of Ordinals, tweeted to announce a major update of the ord tool. According to Casey, through a friend's continuous performance optimization work (supported by OOI donations), the size of the complete ord index has been reduced from about 270GB to about 170GB, a reduction of nearly one-third.

At the same time, the full indexing time was reduced by about half, from about 40 hours to about 22 hours.

Casey explained that these performance improvements come from a PR that stores transactions and UTXO-related data in a unified table. By keeping only one entry per UTXO, the number of database keys containing TXIDs is reduced and the number of writes to the index is reduced.

Casey also said that the update also includes some minor improvements and thanked all contributors for their efforts. It is worth noting that ord is an experimental software and users should be cautious when using it, especially when it comes to wallet operations.