Hello everyone, I’m Mengqiu. Let’s talk about the market first. The market is still turbulent. This year’s turbulence is really long. I believe most friends are anxious. Why has the market not broken through yet? Generally speaking, it is indeed quite good. Sorry, let's look at the market. Today's trend is quite critical. It belongs to the position of 27,000 in the long-short duel. If 27,000 cannot be held, it can only be said that the trend is not good, not a downward trend. Only if it falls below 26,700 Entering the downward range. So the intraday pressure of the market is 27,000, and the support is 26,850. You still need to be cautious in operations today. So is there a problem with Ethereum? Will it explode? This is something that everyone is more worried about recently. So, Ethereum does have some problems now, and I don’t know if you have discovered that the current trend of Ethereum is different from that of Bitcoin. This problem of Ethereum is a problem that he will definitely encounter. He currently does not have a good solution, but will he be exposed? thunder? I don’t think thunderstorms are easy. So what does this question essentially reflect? This is a concern everyone has about the Ethereum ecosystem. Moreover, after Ethereum itself switched to this POS mechanism, it became deflationary. So how big is the current overall pledge scale of Ethereum? The current total amount of Ethereum is more than 100 million. Currently, 1/4 of the Ethereum is pledged, but there are still millions of Ethereum waiting to be pledged. If there are currently staking nodes in the world, there should be 700,000 to 800,000 in total. This volume is very large. If an Ethereum of such a large volume is pledged, its rate of return will be reduced, and it is so large. It is very difficult for a large company to achieve such long-term and stable staking income. This is the first point. What is the second point? But after so much Ethereum was pledged, he stopped building the ecosystem. Just thinking about earning a steady interest, when more and more people do this, it is actually not conducive to ecological development. Why? Because innovation always comes with a price, you can only innovate, make progress, and develop if you are willing to spend a certain amount of money to take risks and think about it.But now 1/4 or even 1/3 of the future Ethereum is pledged. It will definitely not work if a large number of people are sitting on their hands, so this is a very serious problem for him, and Ethereum itself is going to be deflationary. But the inflation that is happening now, although the scale of this inflation is very small, then this small-scale inflation means that everyone is not optimistic about your ecology. In itself, your output is decreasing, and then you also do Some staking mechanisms have been introduced, why is it still becoming inflationary now? It's because many people have taken out the ancient Ethereum and started selling it, which is not a good thing. Therefore, a big challenge that Ethereum faces now is that the trend of Ethereum is different from that of the big pie. Many people are worried that Ethereum will plummet one day in the future. You don’t need to worry too much about this issue. , if Ethereum plummets again in the future, it will be a better time for everyone to enter the market. Just like when Ethereum fell to 800, we asked everyone to buy with orders below 1,000. Similarly, if it plummets again, we will also be confident. Get a grip!