Can Bitcoin break the curse of falling in September?

Recently, market sentiment has become more and more one-sided. Those who could hold on and hold out hope for the bull market before, after experiencing the market in August, have also exhausted their last bit of confidence and patience.

Compared with the history of the currency circle, everyone has been saying that September has always fallen, so this September in 2024 will also fall.

It made me curious, so I quickly opened the K-line to see that since the existing K-line in 2014, a total of 10 Septembers have been experienced. I circled it and saw that I had seen 7 of them. The monthly closing of Bitcoin was a negative line, and there were only 3 positive lines. Therefore, according to history, it is inferred that September will fall.

I was shocked. Now such a high-quality industry as financial investment can actually use such a rough method to predict the market and make money. Then who will lose money?

Who else can't read the market! Open the market and look at the history of every month, every day, whether it rises more or falls more, you can make money, 3.12, 5.19 both fell sharply, so panic, but did it fall sharply on 3.12 every year in history? Obviously, there has only been one time so far. The historical trend has a certain reference value for our investment, but it is just a reference. If the future market simply repeats the past, I believe everyone in the currency circle can make money.

So why do many people always say that this bull market is different from the past? In fact, every bull market is different. If you imagine that you can make money according to the trend of the previous wave in advance, then you think too simply. There is no river in the world that is exactly the same. How can you imagine catching the same fish every time? Different time, different background, different participating forces, and different stages of development of things.

Just like the four seasons of the year, abandoning the seasons and just looking at the temperature of each day, it will be a mess. I don’t know whether the temperature will get higher or lower in the future.

We are still in a bull market. The correction in the bull market is for a better rise. The market will only get better and better in the next period of time.