What we’re witnessing here isn’t just a chart, it’s a reflection of the current belief and sentiment in the market.

As we see the lows on the prices the whales are at the wheel.

Wallets holding over 100 BTC have reached an ATH

The price of any asset is fundamentally driven by the collective mindset of all participants, and right now, it’s clear that uncertainty is the dominant emotion.

Take a look at the chart, there’s a noticeable lack of volatility.


Because no one is making any big moves. Medium and small investors are waiting, eyes glued to the calendar as we step into September, historically a bearish month for crypto.

But here’s the catch, everyone’s also aware that the FED might cut rates soon, and Q4 has traditionally brought bullish vibes.

This tug of war between bearish expectations for September and the hope for a strong Q4 has left the market in limbo. Traders and investors are hesitant, caught between fear and optimism.

No one wants to act prematurely, but everyone knows the potential is there.

So, we wait. We observe. We prepare. Because when the market finally decides, whether it’s driven by a sudden rate cut or a new wave of Q4 optimism, those who stay informed and ready will be the ones to capitalize.

Stay sharp, stay focused, and remember this quiet period is just the calm before the storm.

Where this storm is going to be directed according to you?




