Good afternoon, everyone! From the current structural trend, the market went up to 59790 in the morning and then fell back. In the morning, we arranged short positions near 59600 and 2550. The big cake took more than 700 points of space, and the concubine took more than 40 points of space.

In terms of trend, from the current performance, after yesterday's bullish strength, the bullish performance during the day is also weak. From the overall trend of the day, it is still in a local shock range. Therefore, from the current structure, the short-term will still give a small rebound upward, and then continue to look down.

Big Pie Idea: Short around 59300, target 58000

Yin Tai Idea: Short around 2550, target 2450#非农就业数据即将公布 #Telegram创始人获保释 #美联储何时降息? #BNBChainMemeCoin #以太坊基金会 $ETH $ETH