📢 Cryptocurrency News: Bitcoin is on the Rise! 🚀

🔹 Over 16,500 BTC ($1.01 billion) have been withdrawn from crypto exchanges in the last 7 days. 2,200 BTC have been withdrawn in the last 24 hours alone.

🔹 On August 27, Binance recorded an outflow of 48,000 BTC ($3.7 billion in 30 days).

🔹 Large wallets have withdrawn 1,123 BTC ($66.2 million) in the last 2 days.

🔹 Bitcoin reserves on exchanges have reached a 2024 low of 2.38 million BTC.

🔹 Bitcoin started the month with a decline, but has already recovered by 2.1% and is trading at $58,900.

💬 Share your opinion in the comments! What do you think awaits Bitcoin in October?