Odaily Planet Daily News: Gleb Kostarev, former vice president and regional head of Binance and CEO of Blum, said at the Korean Blockchain Week that about half of the "tap-to-earn" game players on Telegram are new to cryptocurrencies. Kostarev now operates the Telegram Mini App game and exchange Blum, which has 50 million registered users, of which about 50% have never been exposed to Web3 before. He emphasized that these users are real and can be converted into Web3 users. Kostarev believes that education is key because it is not enough to just introduce a large number of users, but also to guide them on how to use it and prevent being scammed. He also pointed out that Telegram can help increase access to decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, which are currently hindered by Apple and Google's restrictive mobile application policies. Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store have "a lot of problems" with DeFi and NFT.