The market is rubbish, and there are contract dogs everywhere who want to make money from both long and short positions

I tell you, if you play contracts for a long time, the profit curve will inevitably go down, and the account will return to zero

Technically, contracts need to have continuous market conditions to make money: trending market conditions with big rises or falls. However, the continuous unilateral market of Bitcoin is basically ten days a year. The rest of the time, it is all foreign exchange shocks with market makers frantically making losses, and there are only losses

Mathematically, the essence of contracts is the same as slot machines. If you want to catch the trend market of only 10 days a year by playing contracts, you need to test the market countless times in the rest of the time, place orders, and expect that a certain test market will turn from small to large and catch the trend market. This is no different from constantly pulling the lever of Lao Hu Ji and testing bets again and again

The most fatal thing is that the test market is leveraged. Leverage can magnify gains, but it can also magnify losses. Playing contracts is equivalent to enjoying amplified losses most of the time in a year. Even if you catch those 10 days and take a big chance, you may not even be able to make back the principal you lost in the trial trading

In the long run, the account will inevitably return to zero. High leverage will return to zero after liquidation, and low leverage will return to zero slowly

Don't tell me this is a personal technical problem. Those who talk about technology are too naive

The winners have always been the spot party