Elon Musk and Kiyosaki warn of the drastic bankruptcy of the United States

The owner of X has joined a group of analysts who express their concerns about the economic policy maintained by the US Fed.

Elon Musk shows concern about the monetary policy maintained by the United States.

Kiyosaki and Saylor are grateful for the existence of Bitcoin.

For macroeconomist Henrik Zeberg, the US economy is heading towards severe deflation.

The present and future are not very encouraging, at least as far as the US economy is concerned. This is how the owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, and the writer and investor Robert Kiyosaki see it, as well as a group of analysts who do not hide their concerns about what is to come for the world that depends on the dollar. That is why most of them see bitcoin (BTC) as the best money available today.

For some time now, Musk has been expressing his concern about the excessive spending of the United States government and its practice of increasing the money supply faster than the production of goods and services, thus generating inflation.

Now the CEO of Tesla is again showing his disagreement about the monetary policy of the United States. This time he said that “at the current rate of public spending, the United States is rapidly heading towards bankruptcy. Excessive government spending is what causes inflation.”

Musk reacted in this way to the data shared by a user of X, where it is detailed that the government is what causes inflation.”

Musk reacted in this way to the data shared by a user of X, where it is detailed that the United States government is planning to add another 16 billion dollars to the national deficit until 2035. With this, the country's financial situation will be further aggravated, as the South African businessman naturalized American suspects.

Musk's concern coincides with what was expressed by the macroeconomist Henrik Zeberg who precisely speaks of $BTC

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