Leverage utilization is the concrete manifestation of greed

Most people understand that low multiples, compound interest, and being friends with time

But when you can use leverage tools at no cost, most rationality cannot control the soul-stirring greed

You see that I have a good mentality now, that's because now, I have made money

When I had no money, I would not write a short essay every day to talk about this and comment on that. When you have no money, you really won't be happy playing your favorite game. When you close your eyes when you sleep, you sigh and think about whether a certain order should be done better before

How to change the high leverage? That can only be done when you think that the little capital in your hand can really make you a lot of money. When you really realize that the capital in your hand is real gold, you can change it

There are also questions about how to find a good mentality and adjust your mentality, which depends on luck

You can always encounter an order, or a period of time. Just sweep away your past sadness. This requires luck. You catch that period of market and keep thinking at all times, so that such feelings don't slip away. Keep it up for a few days, weeks, months, at least half a year, and you can do a hundred times or a thousand times better.

Once you lose this feeling, you may never find it again, just like waking up from a dream, you can only vaguely remember it, but you can't touch it........