Currency Circle Insight: At the beginning of the year, an authoritative leader predicted that BTC would break through 40,000 square meters and start a bull market. His profound background and currency holding experience convinced me. Although the rebound after the historical low is strong, a second bottom of 40,000 may still exist. But remember, extremely low prices often breed crazy market counterattacks.

I’m half-convinced that Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi collapsed in the French Open, and BTC is known for being decentralized and difficult to regulate. It continues to attract greedy eyes and naturally circulates endlessly. Its unbridled freedom is just like the deep desire of human nature. As a liberal, I am optimistic about this and have firm belief. Spot contract Junyang👉@点这里 加密乘风

Individual rights come first, and the boundaries of freedom are defined in respect for others. Although Bitcoin and the cryptographic world it leads are immature and flawed, under the baptism of the free market, the future will be bright. If you resonate with this, I would like to join hands and go to the stars and the sea together! #非农就业数据即将公布 #Telegram创始人获保释 #美联储何时降息? #以太坊基金会 #英伟达财报