I like today's update, so im sharing a twitter versionđŸ„°

[September 3, 2024 Hansolar’s Daily Volatility]

🌅 gm.

✩ Updatesssss

Leaning into the BTC strength with some SOL longs.

Spot and futures CVDs looking good.

Month end SOL weakness also behind us.

BTC skews also returned to long territory👀

(custom indicator)

Hearing meme volumes returning.

ETH’s very own https://t.co/1fAEkOrqOf is picking up steam with it’s anti-sniper routing.

Chucking in an ETH for funsies.

These things crash inevitably, but last just long enough for people to feel fomo, so im gonna tag along for the ride.

Burns not that impressive atm, but we’ll see how it goes.


FET longs doing well. Topping the pair charts on sharpe and sortinos

h/t @crypto_yuvi

ENA tokenomics out for szn 3.

Still sucks. Adding ENA shorts.


🔼 Positions

‣ Longing : SOL(✹added) BTC FETđŸ„° BNB TAO ZRO TON

‣ Shorting : ENA(✹added) MEME DYDX MATIC STRK

‣ Options

· short ETH-25OCT24-2200-P

· long ETH-6SEP24-2000-P(✹closed)

🍐 Pear Update

2x Long SOL / Short DYDX : $139.9→$148.08

2x Long BNB / Short ONDO : 860.7→ 851.3 Closed

2x Long BNB / Short ENA : 2,228.2 ✹ Opened

Capital : $1000 → $1785(+78.5%)

Memes strong so swapping my rwa memecoin(ONDO) for ENA

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