$BTC $1000SATS

In the period of shock and decline, people are used to singing bad words about the cryptocurrency circle, and all kinds of pessimistic arguments will come out.

I am no exception. No one feels good when the market falls. Not only can you not make money, but there are also all kinds of pitfalls. Once you are in a bad mood, you will rush to seek medical treatment and operate blindly, which will lead to a disaster. In the end, you will fall into a mess in the darkness before dawn.

I don’t intend to comfort others or myself. This is a Shura Dojo. The fittest survive. If you think it’s fun, continue to play. If it’s not fun, just leave. It’s just a point, and I put it forward for everyone to laugh.

There are only three concepts in the cryptocurrency circle:

One is that it is a market where capital harvests leeks, full of fraud and various opportunistic tricks.

The other is to recharge by faith, believing that the cryptocurrency circle is the future, and it is the decentralized financial cornerstone of the future new world.

The last one doesn’t care about good or bad, faith, as long as you can make money.

In short, no matter which one it is, there must be a corresponding survival rule in this currency circle. So let's think about how we should play in this playground? The rules are set by ourselves, not by others. Because no one knows you better than yourself.

Undoubtedly, I am the second type. Some people say that I am an idealist, but I actually think that's fun. I think people living in this world and mixing in this currency circle will not feel at ease without some faith.

So my approach is very simple. I will study which projects are more similar to the original intention of the big cake, more decentralized, anonymous, ownerless and limited, and then continue to hold them. Of course, there will definitely be pitfalls in this process, and it is common to be fooled by a lot of messy information, but as long as there is that main line in your heart, it will not be too far away.

Okay, a lot of nonsense, finally, no matter what kind of mentality you have in the currency circle, I wish you no loss in the bear market and big profits in the bull market! Don't give up and leave easily!