[The arrival of interest rate cuts and the long-term and band trends of the currency price in the future market]

The turbulent situation makes the September interest rate cut seem to be a foregone conclusion. How Bitcoin will appreciate and spread is the most worthy of attention at the moment. At present, the world's economy has entered a weak stage, and the appreciation of the soft sister yuan is also related to it. "US interest rate cuts"

These four words were published by Federal Reserve Chairman Powell. This sentence will bring about a financial avalanche! A group of middle-class wealth will be ruthlessly looted (including the appreciation of the soft sister yuan mentioned above)

The depreciation of the US dollar and the appreciation of the soft sister yuan openly proposed an interest rate cut, the purest conspiracy! So how should our currency circle respond in the future? Expect to continue to break new highs by the end of the year? 80,000? Or 100,000. I think that in the current situation, the market will inevitably suffer a strong blow before the announcement, and the possibility of a black swan cannot be ruled out, so we should not be infected by the public's emotions. The best response is to wait for the main force to smash the market and form the last drop!

After nearly four months of wide fluctuations, the price has risen to 72,000 and fallen to 54,000, so investors' immunity is also strong. Bitcoin ETF and other institutions have controlled 9% of the total supply. As the leader of the encryption market, Bitcoin's movement will be related to the trend of the entire market. For the Heyue sector, I think there will be a long and short double sand.

Therefore, combined with the operation of daily and weekly lines, I personally think that after the interest rate cut, Bitcoin will return to the beginning of 4 after a deep wash! The idea is still unchanged to short!

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