Why are leeks called leeks? Because they are born to be cut!

You panic when the price drops, and you rush in when the price rises!

The bull market is still there, brothers! I can guarantee that the bull market is still there!

Those who ask you to cut your losses, quickly block them!

Three reasons to tell you that the bull market is still there, and the big cake will definitely break through the 60,000 mark this month!

The fear value has reached the level that the dealer wants. Maintaining this panic is exactly what they want to see. If you don’t even have this mentality, I suggest you don’t play, otherwise it’s also giving away money!

The events hyped in September include the Fed’s interest rate cut, CZ’s release from prison, and the presidential election, all of which have a huge impact without exception!

They can’t be stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot, so don’t be afraid, stay optimistic, go out and play more, and hold on patiently!

Among them, the copycat can pay attention to gravity:

Gravity is a full-chain smart contract platform dedicated to improving the efficiency of blockchain interaction. By adopting cutting-edge technologies such as zero-knowledge proof and proof of stake, Gravity aims to provide a secure, efficient and scalable cross-chain transaction environment to simplify the user and developer experience.

Rights and rewards for G token holders

Users holding G tokens can participate in the governance of the platform and have the right to vote on the future development direction of Gravity. At the same time, by staking G tokens, users can not only obtain stable returns, but also enhance the security and decentralization of the network.

Gravity's potential and future

Gravity has a strong technical foundation and provides reliable support for applications with high throughput and fast settlement requirements. With the increasing popularity of blockchain technology, Gravity is expected to become an important force in promoting the large-scale adoption of Web3 and help the birth of more innovative applications.

Synergy between Gravity and Galxe

Gravity's technical advantages will greatly enhance the efficiency of the Galxe ecosystem. By supporting tens of millions of transactions per month, Gravity will help Galxe provide a better user experience and attract more users and developers. #Gravity先行主网上线 @Gravity