In trading, every step is paved with learning bricks. Indeed, failure is often a mirror image of ourselves, reflecting our shortcomings that we are not aware of. Entering the market means saying goodbye to the rhythm of our past life and dancing in tune with the pulse of the market. This is not easy, because there are only a few people who are born to match the rhythm of the market.

Change is the only way to success. This means bravely giving up the old ideas and habits that have misled us, and using our unyielding will to hone new and correct behavior patterns until they become our unconscious reactions. Emotions, the invisible opponent in trading, often tempt us to chase high and sell low, so we need to cultivate the inner strength of emotional control and let it become a sword in our hands rather than a shackle.

Accepting losses is a must for every trader. Human nature is to avoid harm and seek profit, so we avoid losses as much as possible. However, only by facing and accepting the pain of accepting losses can we move forward more steadily. Similarly, for the profits we have obtained, we must also have a long-term vision to avoid losing the big picture for the small and falling into the trap of short-sightedness.

When sailing in the ocean of the market, the right decision is often accompanied by the baptism of wind and waves. Those who choose to stay away from pain may gain temporary peace, but they will also miss the other side of success. Although painful, reflection is a bridge to self-transcendence. It forces us to face past mistakes and avoid repeating them in the future.

The market, this cold mentor, is indifferent to our subjective thoughts. The way of thinking that works well in life may be worthless in the market. Because the market and life are two completely different fields, following their own rules. We need to keep a clear mind at all times and realize this, so that we can stand firm in the storm of the market.

"It is said that the four or five mirrors are physiological", this sentence aptly describes the dilemma of traders: theoretical clarity coexists with confusion in practice. In the face of floating losses, floating profits and ever-changing market conditions, only by adhering to plans and rules can we avoid falling into the quagmire of disorderly trading. Remember, "Plan your trades, trade your plans", this classic Wall Street saying will be our eternal beacon in the ocean of the market.