The market panic index is already 28, and the price is still above 57,000.

The lowest fear index of 11.09 is only 22.

I really don't know what the whole market is panicking about?

They always shout 40,000, and 38,000 at a disagreement!

In January, I was confident to make 10 times

In February, 20 times can be considered

In March, everything is within the plan

In April, the market needs to correct

In May, 10 times is also fine

In June, 5 times is actually fine

What's wrong with holding the grass in July

Can the bulls get back their money in August?

Rush in at the highest point, buy at the lowest point and run away, get back their money? It's a blessing not to lose everything!

At this time, you don't enter the market, and wait until the big fly to enter the market?

Where did the group of people who shouted every day before that they would go all-in if it fell below 60,000 go? 😅😅#比特币行情 $BTC $ETH