This article does not constitute any investment advice. Investment involves risks. It is for reference only.

Type 1️⃣

1. Work hard for two months and increase your capital to about 10,000 yuan.

2. Buy coins when Bitcoin weekly line is above MA20, buy two or three, they must be new coins, hot coins in the bear market, such as APT before it rises, it came out of the bear market, as long as Bitcoin rises a little, it will take off, such as OP. Anyway, remember, there must be heat and a story to tell.

3. Stop loss when Bitcoin falls below MA20, buy more or continue to make money during the waiting period, giving yourself two or three chances to fail. If you deposit 20,000 and invest 10,000, you can fail three times.

4. If you buy a coin like apt, sell it at 4-5 times the price. Keep executing the strategy. Remember that you have a small fund and must buy new coins instead of ETH or BTC. Their growth cannot support your dream.

5. If you get 5 times three times from the bear market to the bull market, it is almost 125 times. This time may be as short as one year or as long as three years. You have three chances to fail. If you fail three times, it means you don’t have the ability. Stay away from this circle, stay away from investment, and don’t get involved in contracts. In short, remember to enter the market when you should, stop loss when you should, and be patient.

Type 2

1. Add the coins that have been on the list of gainers within 11 days to your favorites. However, please note that coins that have fallen for more than three days need to be excluded to prevent investors from taking profits.

2. Open the K-line chart and only look at the coins with MACD golden cross at the monthly level.

3. Open the daily K-line chart, and only look at the 60-day moving average. As long as the currency price pulls back to near the 60-day moving average and a large-volume K-line appears, enter the market with a heavy position.

4. After entering the market, use the 60-day moving average as the standard, hold on to the price above the line, and sell when the price is below the line. There are three details in total.

① When the band's increase exceeds 30, sell one-third

② When the price rises by more than 50%, sell one-third of it.

③. The most important thing is also the key factor that determines whether you can make a profit. That is, if you buy on the same day, and some unexpected circumstances occur on the second day, and the price of the currency directly falls below the 60-day moving average, then you must leave the market completely and don’t have any fluke mentality. Although the probability of falling below the 60-day moving average is very small through this method of selecting currencies by combining the monthly line with the daily line, we still have to have a sense of risk. In the B circle, the most important thing is to keep the capital. However, even if it has been sold, you can wait until it meets the buying point again and then buy it back. In the final analysis, the difficulty in making money is not the method, but the execution.

A trading system is a weapon that can help you achieve stable profits. It can help you mark key positions, find entry signals, and find trading opportunities that can make you money. So again, as long as you have a stable trading system, you can just do it when there are opportunities within the system. If you lose, you can just take revenge. Do what you should do well and leave the rest to the market. In the end, you can always use profits to cover losses. However, the biggest problem for 99% of people is that they don’t have their own trading system, so they are afraid of losing money when trading, because if you lose money, you can’t make it back. Even if you make it back by luck, you will lose it all by your ability in the end. So how can you have a trading system?

Step 1: Look at the trend first

Step 2: Find the key position again

Step 3: Isn’t it easy to find entry signals, enter the market, make profits, close positions, and leave?

Let me explain it in more detail below.

Step 1: Look at the trend. There are three possible outcomes for a market: rising, sideways, and falling. What is a big market? Look at a periodic chart of more than 4 hours, such as 4 hours, daily, and weekly (my personal habit is to look at 4 hours). Go long when it rises and go short when it falls. Do not place an order if it is sideways. If the current market is sideways, there is no need to proceed. If it is a unilateral rise or fall, please continue to go down.

Step 2: Find the key position. Whether the market is rising or falling, it will jump up or down like a bouncing ball.

What we need to do is to enter the market at the starting point and leave the market at the next landing point. How to find the precise step becomes the key, which is the key we are talking about.

Step 3: Find signals. Generally, if you find the market in the big cycle, you need to find trading signals in the small cycle to enter the market. Everyone is good at different tactics, so it is enough to be proficient in one or two. What is more important is to quickly formulate a trading strategy. A complete trading strategy includes

(1) Subject matter – what is being traded;

(2) Position – how much is held;

(3) Direction – long or short;

(4) Entry point - at what point to trade;

(5) Stop loss – when to exit a losing trade;

6) Take Profit – When to exit a profitable trade;

(7) Countermeasures - how to deal with emergencies;

(8) Backhand - Operations after the transaction is completed. Trend + key position + signal = successful transaction. Formulate strategies according to the process before each order. I believe you will not lose too much. Form good habits. Over time, you will find the shortcomings in your trading process. Try to change it, and you will succeed! The current market is at the bottom. After the decline of the market, I have arranged some potential coins and prepared for their explosion.

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