#注意资金安全 #BTC #ETH

Recently, I occasionally Googled to look at the news from the past year or two, and found many interesting stories. Let’s share two

One is to read an article introducing the bull-bear cycle in 2018. At that time, the price of a BTC was 7,000 (about July and August 2018). After experiencing a slow bear cycle, I read a few months after the author posted The historical K-line fell to 3000. In the second year after the time of posting, the price of Mavericks reached 10,000. After a few months, it fell back to 5,000. At the same time, the current bull market started and went all the way to 6,000.

The other one was the collapse of Luna in June 22 and the thunderstorm of Celsius, which was called the Lehman moment in the currency circle. The subtitle of this news was "Seeing him rising, watching his building collapse." At that time, many short sellers saw 1w, and we are now I went back and saw the fall to 1.6, and then the rebound at the beginning of the year. This was a news article, and there was a sentence in it that touched me deeply:

For Wayne Sharp, a retired investment adviser in Columbus, Ohio, the downturn in the cryptocurrency market is no surprise. She purchased about $10,000 worth of Bitcoin in 2020 and has held on to it ever since, with no plans to sell or buy more. "I've experienced many cycles. I've seen it for 45 years," she said. "Human beings just make the same mistakes over and over again." (Quoted from a June 2022 Financial Associated Press report)