#ETH #crypto2023 $BTC

A.Price Trend for KNC Usdt

The latest close price for KNCUSDT

is $0.6558 with a 24-hour change of -7.98%. This

indicates a bearish price trend for the day.

B. Technical Indicators:

- MACD: The MACD signal is bearish and has

Occurred 6 times within the last 7 days. In the next

hour, there is a 16.67% chance of a bearish signal.

RSI: No specific pattern is detected.

BOLL: The BOLL signal is bullish and has

Occurred 5 times within the last 7 days. In the next

hour, there is a 40% chance of a bullish signal. The

BOLL support price $0.6608, and the resistance

price is $0.6831.

KDJ: No specific pattern is detected.

C Funding Analysis: Trader

have a bullish position direction, with a long/short

ratio of 4.85.

D.Third-party indicators:

Market Sentiment Index: The market sentiment

index is at 50, indicating a neutral sentiment.

Overall, the technical indicators provide mixed

signals. While the MACD and BOLL signals suggest

a bearish and bullish trend respectively, other

indicators like RSI and KDJ do not show clear

patterns. Additionally, the funding analysis

indicates a bullish position by major whale traders.

The market sentiment is currently neutral.

Risk Disclosure: Predictions are for reference only,

not investment advice. Investing involves risks;

please make decisions cautiously.