As long as you have 100 BNB, the monthly fixed income from mining will basically be 6,000-8,000 yuan!

It is equivalent to spending about 350,000 yuan to buy a long-term worker who works for you every day and pays you wages every month.

So buying BNB is much more cost-effective than buying a house or a car!

The yield rate of each mining is basically around 0.5%-1%. There are two mines on average per month, and the monthly income is basically 1%-2%, and the annual income is 12%-24%, so the BNB buy and hold strategy will definitely make you rich!

You can pay attention to: In order to meet the needs of high-throughput applications, Gravity adopts a cross-chain settlement protocol designed to maximize its high-performance and fast finality chain functions. The protocol allows applications to use Gravity as a user intent settlement layer across any chain. #Gravity先行主网上线