$BTC September 1st is a new day, let's talk about what the market is doing

1: Dogecoin big V posted a question: Who wants Tesla to start Dogecoin payment again? Musk answered me at the bottom

Musk just won the lawsuit for market manipulation. $Doge has been very stable in the past few days, indicating that the market is optimistic about the future upside. At present, the price of Doge has bottomed out at around 0.1. In September, it will slowly start to release water. In this bull market, Doge has a chance to break through 0.3 US dollars. Tesla payment, Twitter payment, and Starlink payment at the end of the year are three king bombs that will fly instantly

2: On September 9, the BTC subtype network will be launched, which is good for $pizza. The probability of the market maker pulling the pizza is very high. There is still room for imagination for this wave to double or triple

3: The market fluctuates back and forth, but . $BTC has not fallen below 58,000. If it falls, it will be pulled up. If it rises, it will be smashed down. Manual investment will lead to loss. The market masters are exhausted, but quantitative investment is very comfortable. The market fluctuates 80% of the time and moves unilaterally 20% of the time. Therefore, the remaining funds in September can be invested in hoarding coins. This method is the most perfect.